Selene Calloni Williams

Selene is a writer, documentarian, psychologist, and anthropologist. Her spiritual journey started in Sri Lanka where she met her root teacher who initiated her into shamanic yoga and where she practiced in a Theravada Buddhist monastery. On her return to Europe, she studied psychology and had the good fortune to encounter the psychoanalyst James Hillman, who initiated her into the world of deep psychology and imaginal vision. SCW spent many years in Siberia and Mongolia deepening her understanding of Shamanic traditions from the teachings of Turko-Mongolian, Altaic, and Buryat shamans. Selene has refined the “symbolic-imaginal method” or “imaginal approach” to serve personal growth and development. Selene teaches Shamanic Yoga of Nonduality. Shamanic yoga facilitates expanded states of consciousness uniting body, mind, and soul. Shamanic Yoga is very broad with practices that include deep meditation for healing and deprogramming, working with ancestors, regression into past lives and psychopompal yoga, i.e. the travel into the invisible world. Selene offered the profound prayer published on this site.



Thomas Huebl

